
Classes for representing data download and reading operations. All classes in this module are included at the top level of this library.

Expand source code
# Copyright 2024 University of Calgary
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Classes for representing data download and reading operations. All
classes in this module are included at the top level of this library.

import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Literal, Any
from numpy import ndarray

class Dataset:
    A dataset available from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API, with possibly
    support for downloading and/or reading.

        name (str): 
            Dataset name
        short_description (str): 
            A short description about the dataset
        long_description (str): 
            A longer description about the dataset
        data_tree_url (str): 
            The data tree URL prefix. Used for saving data locally with a similar data tree 
            structure compared to the UCalgary Open Data archive.
        file_listing_supported (bool): 
            Flag indicating if file listing (downloading) is supported for this dataset.
        file_reading_supported (bool): 
            Flag indicating if file reading is supported for this dataset.
        level (str): 
            Dataset level as per L0/L1/L2/etc standards.
        doi (str): 
            Dataset DOI unique identifier.
        doi_details (str): 
            Further details about the DOI.
        citation (str): 
            String to use when citing usage of the dataset.
        provider (str): 
            Data provider.

    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 short_description: str,
                 long_description: str,
                 data_tree_url: str,
                 file_listing_supported: bool,
                 file_reading_supported: bool,
                 level: str,
                 doi: Optional[str] = None,
                 doi_details: Optional[str] = None,
                 citation: Optional[str] = None): = name
        self.short_description = short_description
        self.long_description = long_description
        self.data_tree_url = data_tree_url
        self.file_listing_supported = file_listing_supported
        self.file_reading_supported = file_reading_supported
        self.level = level
        self.doi = doi
        self.doi_details = doi_details
        self.citation = citation
        self.provider = "UCalgary"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Dataset(name=%s, short_description='%s', provider='%s', level='%s', doi_details='%s', ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            print("  %-27s: %s" % (var_name, None if var_value is None else var_value))

class FileListingResponse:
    Representation of the file listing response from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API.

        urls (List[str]): 
            A list of URLs for available data files.
        path_prefix (str): 
            The URL prefix, which is sed for saving data locally with a similar data tree 
            structure compared to the UCalgary Open Data archive.
        count (int): 
            The number of URLs available.
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
        total_bytes (int): 
            The cumulative amount of bytes for the available URLs.
    urls: List[str]
    path_prefix: str
    count: int
    dataset: Dataset
    total_bytes: Optional[int] = None

class FileDownloadResult:
    Representation of the results from a data download call.

        filenames (List[str]): 
            List of downloaded files, as absolute paths of their location on the local machine.
        count (int): 
            Number of files downloaded
        total_bytes (int): 
            Cumulative amount of bytes saved on the local machine.
        output_root_path (str): 
            The root path of where the data was saved to on the local machine.
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    filenames: List[str]
    count: int
    total_bytes: int
    output_root_path: str
    dataset: Dataset

class ProblematicFile:
    Representation about a file that had issues being read.

        filename (str): 
            Filename of the problematic file.
        error_message (str): 
            Error message that was encountered while attempting to read the file.
        error_type (str): 
            Error type encountered. Possible values are 'error' or 'warning'.
    filename: str
    error_message: str
    error_type: Literal["error", "warning"]

class SkymapGenerationInfo:
    Representation of generation details for a specific skymap file.

        author (str): 
            Name of individual who created the skymap
        ccd_center (float): 
            Center pixels of the CCD
        code_used (str): 
            Program name for the code used to generate the skymap
        data_loc (str): 
            Location of the data on the UCalgary data systems used during generation
        date_generated (datetime.datetime): 
            Timestamp of when the skymap was generated
        date_time_used (datetime.datetime): 
            Timestamp of what hour was used during generation
        img_flip (ndarray): 
            Image flipping specifics
        optical_orientation (ndarray): 
            Image orientation details
        optical_projection (ndarray): 
            Image projection details
        pixel_aspect_ratio (float): 
            Aspect ratio details
        valid_interval_start (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid start time for this skymap
        valid_interval_end (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid end time for this skymap. If None, then end time is unbounded and valid up until 
            the next newest skymap.
    author: str
    ccd_center: float
    code_used: str
    data_loc: str
    date_generated: datetime.datetime
    date_time_used: datetime.datetime
    img_flip: ndarray
    optical_orientation: ndarray
    optical_projection: ndarray
    pixel_aspect_ratio: float
    valid_interval_start: datetime.datetime
    valid_interval_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
    bytscl_values: Optional[ndarray] = None

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "SkymapGenerationInfo(date_generated=%s, author='%s', ccd_center=%s, ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                    var_str = str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-24s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

class Skymap:
    Representation for a skymap file.

        filename (str): 
            Filename for the skymap file, as an absolute path of its location on the local machine.
        project_uid (str): 
            Project unique identifier
        site_uid (str): 
            Site unique identifier
        imager_uid (str): 
            Imager/device unique identifier
        site_map_latitude (float): 
            Geodetic latitude of instrument
        site_map_longitude (float): 
            Geodetic longitude of instrument
        site_map_altitude (float): 
            Altitude of the instrument (in meters)
        full_elevation (ndarray): 
            Elevation angle from horizon, for each image pixel (in degrees)
        full_azimuth (ndarray): 
            Local azimuth angle from 0 degrees north, positive moving east (in degrees)
        full_map_altitude (ndarray): 
            Altitudes that image coordinates are mapped to (in kilometers)
        full_map_latitude (ndarray): 
            Geodetic latitudes of pixel corners, mapped to various altitudes (specified by `full_map_altitude`)
        full_map_longitude (ndarray): 
            Geodetic longitudes of pixel corners, mapped to various altitudes (specified by `full_map_altitude`)
        generation_info (SkymapGenerationInfo): 
            Metadata describing details about this skymap's generation process
        version (str): 
            Version of the skymap
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    filename: str
    project_uid: str
    site_uid: str
    imager_uid: str
    site_map_latitude: float
    site_map_longitude: float
    site_map_altitude: float
    full_elevation: ndarray
    full_azimuth: ndarray
    full_map_altitude: ndarray
    full_map_latitude: ndarray
    full_map_longitude: ndarray
    generation_info: SkymapGenerationInfo
    version: str

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Skymap(project_uid=%s, site_uid=%s, imager_uid=%s, site_map_latitude=%f, site_map_longitude=%f, ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_name == "generation_info"):
                var_str = "SkymapGenerationInfo(...)"
            elif (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                    var_str = str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-23s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

    def get_precalculated_altitudes(self):
        Get the altitudes that have been precalculated in this skymap. Units are kilometers.
        alts_km = [float(x / 1000.) for x in self.full_map_altitude]
        return alts_km

class CalibrationGenerationInfo:
    Representation of generation details for a specific calibration file.

        valid_interval_start (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid start timestamp for this calibration file
        valid_interval_end (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid end time for this calibration file. If None, then end time is unbounded and valid up 
            until the next newest calibration for this detector UID.
        author (str): 
            Individual who generated the calibration file
        input_data_dir (str): 
            Path on UCalgary data system to the raw calibration files
        skymap_filename (str): 
            Path to skymap file used to assist with calibration process. If None, no skymap file was used.
    valid_interval_start: datetime.datetime
    valid_interval_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
    author: Optional[str] = None
    input_data_dir: Optional[str] = None
    skymap_filename: Optional[str] = None

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None" if var_value is None else str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-25s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

class Calibration:
    Representation for a calibration file.

        filename (str): 
            Filename for the calibration file, as an absolute path of its location on the local machine.
        detector_uid (str): 
            Detector/imager/camera unique identifier
        version (str): 
            Version number of the calibration file
        generation_info (CalibrationGenerationInfo): 
            Metadata describing details about this calibration's generation process
        rayleighs_perdn_persecond (float): 
            Calibrated value for Rayleighs per data number per second (R/dn/s). This value will be None 
            if a flatfield calibration file was read instead of a rayleighs calibration file.
        flat_field_multiplier (ndarray): 
            Calibrated flat field array. This value will be None if a rayleighs calibration file was 
            read instead of a flatfield calibration file.
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    filename: str
    detector_uid: str
    version: str
    generation_info: CalibrationGenerationInfo
    rayleighs_perdn_persecond: Optional[float] = None
    flat_field_multiplier: Optional[ndarray] = None
    dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_name == "generation_info"):
                var_str = "CalibrationGenerationInfo(...)"
            elif (var_name == "dataset" and var_value is not None):
                var_str = "Dataset(...)"
            elif (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                    var_str = str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-30s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

class Data:
    Representation of the data read in from a `read` call.

        data (Any): 
            The loaded data. This can be one of the following types: ndarray, List[Skymap], List[Calibration].
        timestamp (List[datetime.datetime]): 
            List of timestamps for the read in data.
        metadata (List[Dict]): 
            List of dictionaries containing metadata specific to each timestamp/image/record.
        problematic_files (List[ProblematicFiles]): 
            A list detailing any files that encountered issues during reading.
        calibrated_data (Any): 
            A calibrated version of the data. Populated and utilized by data analysis libraries. Has a `None` value
            until calibrated data is inserted manually.

        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    data: Any
    timestamp: List[datetime.datetime]
    metadata: List[Dict]
    problematic_files: List[ProblematicFile]
    calibrated_data: Any
    dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        # set data value
        if (isinstance(, ndarray) is True):
            data_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (,
        if (isinstance(, GridData) is True):
            data_str =
        elif (isinstance(, list) is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 items]"
            elif (isinstance([0], Skymap) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Skymap object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Skymap objects]" % (len(
            elif (isinstance([0], Calibration) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Calibration object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Calibration objects]" % (len(
                data_str = "[%d items]" % (len(
            data_str =

        # set timestamp string
        if (len(self.timestamp) == 0):
            timestamp_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.timestamp) == 1):
            timestamp_str = "[1 datetime]"
            timestamp_str = "[%d datetimes]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set metadata string
        if (len(self.metadata) == 0):
            metadata_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.metadata) == 1):
            metadata_str = "[1 dictionary]"
            metadata_str = "[%d dictionaries]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set rest of values
        problematic_files_str = "[]" if len(self.problematic_files) == 0 else "[%d problematic files]" % (len(self.problematic_files))
        calibrated_data_str = "None" if self.calibrated_data is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.calibrated_data.shape,
        dataset_str = "None" if self.dataset is None else self.dataset.__repr__()[0:75] + "...)"

        # return
        return "Data(data=%s, timestamp=%s, metadata=%s, problematic_files=%s, calibrated_data=%s, dataset=%s)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set data value
        if (isinstance(, ndarray) is True):
            data_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (,
        elif (isinstance(, list) is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 items]"
            elif (isinstance([0], Skymap) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Skymap object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Skymap objects]" % (len(
            elif (isinstance([0], Calibration) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Calibration object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Calibration objects]" % (len(
                data_str = "[%d items]" % (len(
            data_str =

        # set timestamp string
        if (len(self.timestamp) == 0):
            timestamp_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.timestamp) == 1):
            timestamp_str = "[1 datetime]"
            timestamp_str = "[%d datetimes]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set metadata string
        if (len(self.metadata) == 0):
            metadata_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.metadata) == 1):
            metadata_str = "[1 dictionary]"
            metadata_str = "[%d dictionaries]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set rest of values
        problematic_files_str = "[]" if len(self.problematic_files) == 0 else "[%d problematic files]" % (len(self.problematic_files))
        calibrated_data_str = "None" if self.calibrated_data is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.calibrated_data.shape,
        dataset_str = "None" if self.dataset is None else self.dataset.__repr__()[0:75] + "...)"

        # print
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("timestamp", timestamp_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("metadata", metadata_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("problematic_files", problematic_files_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("calibrated_data", calibrated_data_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("dataset", dataset_str))

class Observatory:
    Representation for an observatory.

        uid (str): 
            4-letter unique identifier (traditionally referred to as the site UID)

        full_name (str): 
            full location string for the observatory
        geodetic_latitude (float): 
            geodetic latitude for the observatory, in decimal format (-90 to 90)
        geodetic_longitude (float): 
            geodetic longitude for the observatory, in decimal format (-180 to 180)

        provider (str): 
            Data provider.

    def __init__(self, uid: str, full_name: str, geodetic_latitude: float, geodetic_longitude: float):
        self.uid = uid
        self.full_name = full_name
        self.geodetic_latitude = geodetic_latitude
        self.geodetic_longitude = geodetic_longitude
        self.provider = "UCalgary"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Observatory(uid=%s, full_name='%s', geodetic_latitude=%s, geodetic_longitude=%s, provider='%s')" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            print("  %-22s: %s" % (var_name, None if var_value is None else var_value))

class GridSourceInfoData:
    Representation for a grid file's data specific to the type of grid file

        confidence (ndarray): 
            A confidence rating
    confidence: Any

class GridData:
    Representation for a grid file's data.

        grid (ndarray): 
            Primary data set, gridded images

        fill_value (float): 
            Value used to represent NaN/NULL. Used for subsequent plotting of grid data.

        source_info (GridSourceInfoData): 
            Special data attributes specific to this particular grid file
    grid: ndarray
    fill_value: float
    source_info: GridSourceInfoData

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        grid_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.grid.shape, self.grid.dtype)
        return "GridData(grid=%s, fill_value=%.0f, source_info=GridSourceInfoData(...)" % (grid_str, self.fill_value)

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set grid and confidence
        grid_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.grid.shape, self.grid.dtype)
        confidence_str = "None" if self.source_info.confidence is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.source_info.confidence.shape,

        print("  %-14s: %s" % ("grid", grid_str))
        print("  %-14s: %.0f" % ("fill_value", self.fill_value))
        print("  %-14s: %s" % ("timestamp", grid_str))
        print("  source_info:")
        print("    %-15s: %s" % ("confidence", confidence_str))


class Calibration (filename: str, detector_uid: str, version: str, generation_info: CalibrationGenerationInfo, rayleighs_perdn_persecond: Optional[float] = None, flat_field_multiplier: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None)

Representation for a calibration file.


filename : str
Filename for the calibration file, as an absolute path of its location on the local machine.
detector_uid : str
Detector/imager/camera unique identifier
version : str
Version number of the calibration file
generation_info : CalibrationGenerationInfo
Metadata describing details about this calibration's generation process
rayleighs_perdn_persecond : float
Calibrated value for Rayleighs per data number per second (R/dn/s). This value will be None if a flatfield calibration file was read instead of a rayleighs calibration file.
flat_field_multiplier : ndarray
Calibrated flat field array. This value will be None if a rayleighs calibration file was read instead of a flatfield calibration file.
dataset : Dataset
The Dataset object for this data.
Expand source code
class Calibration:
    Representation for a calibration file.

        filename (str): 
            Filename for the calibration file, as an absolute path of its location on the local machine.
        detector_uid (str): 
            Detector/imager/camera unique identifier
        version (str): 
            Version number of the calibration file
        generation_info (CalibrationGenerationInfo): 
            Metadata describing details about this calibration's generation process
        rayleighs_perdn_persecond (float): 
            Calibrated value for Rayleighs per data number per second (R/dn/s). This value will be None 
            if a flatfield calibration file was read instead of a rayleighs calibration file.
        flat_field_multiplier (ndarray): 
            Calibrated flat field array. This value will be None if a rayleighs calibration file was 
            read instead of a flatfield calibration file.
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    filename: str
    detector_uid: str
    version: str
    generation_info: CalibrationGenerationInfo
    rayleighs_perdn_persecond: Optional[float] = None
    flat_field_multiplier: Optional[ndarray] = None
    dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_name == "generation_info"):
                var_str = "CalibrationGenerationInfo(...)"
            elif (var_name == "dataset" and var_value is not None):
                var_str = "Dataset(...)"
            elif (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                    var_str = str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-30s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

Class variables

var dataset : Optional[Dataset]
var detector_uid : str
var filename : str
var flat_field_multiplier : Optional[numpy.ndarray]
var generation_infoCalibrationGenerationInfo
var rayleighs_perdn_persecond : Optional[float]
var version : str


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        var_str = "None"
        if (var_name == "generation_info"):
            var_str = "CalibrationGenerationInfo(...)"
        elif (var_name == "dataset" and var_value is not None):
            var_str = "Dataset(...)"
        elif (var_value is not None):
            if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                var_str = str(var_value)

        # print string for this var
        print("  %-30s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))
class CalibrationGenerationInfo (valid_interval_start: datetime.datetime, valid_interval_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, author: Optional[str] = None, input_data_dir: Optional[str] = None, skymap_filename: Optional[str] = None)

Representation of generation details for a specific calibration file.


valid_interval_start : datetime.datetime
Valid start timestamp for this calibration file
valid_interval_end : datetime.datetime
Valid end time for this calibration file. If None, then end time is unbounded and valid up until the next newest calibration for this detector UID.
author : str
Individual who generated the calibration file
input_data_dir : str
Path on UCalgary data system to the raw calibration files
skymap_filename : str
Path to skymap file used to assist with calibration process. If None, no skymap file was used.
Expand source code
class CalibrationGenerationInfo:
    Representation of generation details for a specific calibration file.

        valid_interval_start (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid start timestamp for this calibration file
        valid_interval_end (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid end time for this calibration file. If None, then end time is unbounded and valid up 
            until the next newest calibration for this detector UID.
        author (str): 
            Individual who generated the calibration file
        input_data_dir (str): 
            Path on UCalgary data system to the raw calibration files
        skymap_filename (str): 
            Path to skymap file used to assist with calibration process. If None, no skymap file was used.
    valid_interval_start: datetime.datetime
    valid_interval_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
    author: Optional[str] = None
    input_data_dir: Optional[str] = None
    skymap_filename: Optional[str] = None

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None" if var_value is None else str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-25s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

Class variables

var author : Optional[str]
var input_data_dir : Optional[str]
var skymap_filename : Optional[str]
var valid_interval_start : datetime.datetime
var valid_interval_stop : Optional[datetime.datetime]


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        var_str = "None" if var_value is None else str(var_value)

        # print string for this var
        print("  %-25s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))
class Data (data: Any, timestamp: List[datetime.datetime], metadata: List[Dict], problematic_files: List[ProblematicFile], calibrated_data: Any, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None)

Representation of the data read in from a read call.


data : Any
The loaded data. This can be one of the following types: ndarray, List[Skymap], List[Calibration].
timestamp : List[datetime.datetime]
List of timestamps for the read in data.
metadata : List[Dict]
List of dictionaries containing metadata specific to each timestamp/image/record.
problematic_files : List[ProblematicFiles]
A list detailing any files that encountered issues during reading.
calibrated_data : Any
A calibrated version of the data. Populated and utilized by data analysis libraries. Has a None value until calibrated data is inserted manually.
dataset : Dataset
The Dataset object for this data.
Expand source code
class Data:
    Representation of the data read in from a `read` call.

        data (Any): 
            The loaded data. This can be one of the following types: ndarray, List[Skymap], List[Calibration].
        timestamp (List[datetime.datetime]): 
            List of timestamps for the read in data.
        metadata (List[Dict]): 
            List of dictionaries containing metadata specific to each timestamp/image/record.
        problematic_files (List[ProblematicFiles]): 
            A list detailing any files that encountered issues during reading.
        calibrated_data (Any): 
            A calibrated version of the data. Populated and utilized by data analysis libraries. Has a `None` value
            until calibrated data is inserted manually.

        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    data: Any
    timestamp: List[datetime.datetime]
    metadata: List[Dict]
    problematic_files: List[ProblematicFile]
    calibrated_data: Any
    dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        # set data value
        if (isinstance(, ndarray) is True):
            data_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (,
        if (isinstance(, GridData) is True):
            data_str =
        elif (isinstance(, list) is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 items]"
            elif (isinstance([0], Skymap) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Skymap object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Skymap objects]" % (len(
            elif (isinstance([0], Calibration) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Calibration object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Calibration objects]" % (len(
                data_str = "[%d items]" % (len(
            data_str =

        # set timestamp string
        if (len(self.timestamp) == 0):
            timestamp_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.timestamp) == 1):
            timestamp_str = "[1 datetime]"
            timestamp_str = "[%d datetimes]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set metadata string
        if (len(self.metadata) == 0):
            metadata_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.metadata) == 1):
            metadata_str = "[1 dictionary]"
            metadata_str = "[%d dictionaries]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set rest of values
        problematic_files_str = "[]" if len(self.problematic_files) == 0 else "[%d problematic files]" % (len(self.problematic_files))
        calibrated_data_str = "None" if self.calibrated_data is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.calibrated_data.shape,
        dataset_str = "None" if self.dataset is None else self.dataset.__repr__()[0:75] + "...)"

        # return
        return "Data(data=%s, timestamp=%s, metadata=%s, problematic_files=%s, calibrated_data=%s, dataset=%s)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set data value
        if (isinstance(, ndarray) is True):
            data_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (,
        elif (isinstance(, list) is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 items]"
            elif (isinstance([0], Skymap) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Skymap object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Skymap objects]" % (len(
            elif (isinstance([0], Calibration) is True):
                if (len( == 1):
                    data_str = "[1 Calibration object]"
                    data_str = "[%d Calibration objects]" % (len(
                data_str = "[%d items]" % (len(
            data_str =

        # set timestamp string
        if (len(self.timestamp) == 0):
            timestamp_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.timestamp) == 1):
            timestamp_str = "[1 datetime]"
            timestamp_str = "[%d datetimes]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set metadata string
        if (len(self.metadata) == 0):
            metadata_str = "[]"
        elif (len(self.metadata) == 1):
            metadata_str = "[1 dictionary]"
            metadata_str = "[%d dictionaries]" % (len(self.timestamp))

        # set rest of values
        problematic_files_str = "[]" if len(self.problematic_files) == 0 else "[%d problematic files]" % (len(self.problematic_files))
        calibrated_data_str = "None" if self.calibrated_data is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.calibrated_data.shape,
        dataset_str = "None" if self.dataset is None else self.dataset.__repr__()[0:75] + "...)"

        # print
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("timestamp", timestamp_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("metadata", metadata_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("problematic_files", problematic_files_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("calibrated_data", calibrated_data_str))
        print("  %-22s: %s" % ("dataset", dataset_str))

Class variables

var calibrated_data : Any
var data : Any
var dataset : Optional[Dataset]
var metadata : List[Dict]
var problematic_files : List[ProblematicFile]
var timestamp : List[datetime.datetime]


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    # set data value
    if (isinstance(, ndarray) is True):
        data_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (,
    elif (isinstance(, list) is True):
        if (len( == 0):
            data_str = "[0 items]"
        elif (isinstance([0], Skymap) is True):
            if (len( == 1):
                data_str = "[1 Skymap object]"
                data_str = "[%d Skymap objects]" % (len(
        elif (isinstance([0], Calibration) is True):
            if (len( == 1):
                data_str = "[1 Calibration object]"
                data_str = "[%d Calibration objects]" % (len(
            data_str = "[%d items]" % (len(
        data_str =

    # set timestamp string
    if (len(self.timestamp) == 0):
        timestamp_str = "[]"
    elif (len(self.timestamp) == 1):
        timestamp_str = "[1 datetime]"
        timestamp_str = "[%d datetimes]" % (len(self.timestamp))

    # set metadata string
    if (len(self.metadata) == 0):
        metadata_str = "[]"
    elif (len(self.metadata) == 1):
        metadata_str = "[1 dictionary]"
        metadata_str = "[%d dictionaries]" % (len(self.timestamp))

    # set rest of values
    problematic_files_str = "[]" if len(self.problematic_files) == 0 else "[%d problematic files]" % (len(self.problematic_files))
    calibrated_data_str = "None" if self.calibrated_data is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.calibrated_data.shape,
    dataset_str = "None" if self.dataset is None else self.dataset.__repr__()[0:75] + "...)"

    # print
    print("  %-22s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
    print("  %-22s: %s" % ("timestamp", timestamp_str))
    print("  %-22s: %s" % ("metadata", metadata_str))
    print("  %-22s: %s" % ("problematic_files", problematic_files_str))
    print("  %-22s: %s" % ("calibrated_data", calibrated_data_str))
    print("  %-22s: %s" % ("dataset", dataset_str))
class Dataset (name: str, short_description: str, long_description: str, data_tree_url: str, file_listing_supported: bool, file_reading_supported: bool, level: str, doi: Optional[str] = None, doi_details: Optional[str] = None, citation: Optional[str] = None)

A dataset available from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API, with possibly support for downloading and/or reading.


name : str
Dataset name
short_description : str
A short description about the dataset
long_description : str
A longer description about the dataset
data_tree_url : str
The data tree URL prefix. Used for saving data locally with a similar data tree structure compared to the UCalgary Open Data archive.
file_listing_supported : bool
Flag indicating if file listing (downloading) is supported for this dataset.
file_reading_supported : bool
Flag indicating if file reading is supported for this dataset.
level : str
Dataset level as per L0/L1/L2/etc standards.
doi : str
Dataset DOI unique identifier.
doi_details : str
Further details about the DOI.
citation : str
String to use when citing usage of the dataset.
provider : str
Data provider.
Expand source code
class Dataset:
    A dataset available from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API, with possibly
    support for downloading and/or reading.

        name (str): 
            Dataset name
        short_description (str): 
            A short description about the dataset
        long_description (str): 
            A longer description about the dataset
        data_tree_url (str): 
            The data tree URL prefix. Used for saving data locally with a similar data tree 
            structure compared to the UCalgary Open Data archive.
        file_listing_supported (bool): 
            Flag indicating if file listing (downloading) is supported for this dataset.
        file_reading_supported (bool): 
            Flag indicating if file reading is supported for this dataset.
        level (str): 
            Dataset level as per L0/L1/L2/etc standards.
        doi (str): 
            Dataset DOI unique identifier.
        doi_details (str): 
            Further details about the DOI.
        citation (str): 
            String to use when citing usage of the dataset.
        provider (str): 
            Data provider.

    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 short_description: str,
                 long_description: str,
                 data_tree_url: str,
                 file_listing_supported: bool,
                 file_reading_supported: bool,
                 level: str,
                 doi: Optional[str] = None,
                 doi_details: Optional[str] = None,
                 citation: Optional[str] = None): = name
        self.short_description = short_description
        self.long_description = long_description
        self.data_tree_url = data_tree_url
        self.file_listing_supported = file_listing_supported
        self.file_reading_supported = file_reading_supported
        self.level = level
        self.doi = doi
        self.doi_details = doi_details
        self.citation = citation
        self.provider = "UCalgary"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Dataset(name=%s, short_description='%s', provider='%s', level='%s', doi_details='%s', ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            print("  %-27s: %s" % (var_name, None if var_value is None else var_value))


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        print("  %-27s: %s" % (var_name, None if var_value is None else var_value))
class FileDownloadResult (filenames: List[str], count: int, total_bytes: int, output_root_path: str, dataset: Dataset)

Representation of the results from a data download call.


filenames : List[str]
List of downloaded files, as absolute paths of their location on the local machine.
count : int
Number of files downloaded
total_bytes : int
Cumulative amount of bytes saved on the local machine.
output_root_path : str
The root path of where the data was saved to on the local machine.
dataset : Dataset
The Dataset object for this data.
Expand source code
class FileDownloadResult:
    Representation of the results from a data download call.

        filenames (List[str]): 
            List of downloaded files, as absolute paths of their location on the local machine.
        count (int): 
            Number of files downloaded
        total_bytes (int): 
            Cumulative amount of bytes saved on the local machine.
        output_root_path (str): 
            The root path of where the data was saved to on the local machine.
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    filenames: List[str]
    count: int
    total_bytes: int
    output_root_path: str
    dataset: Dataset

Class variables

var count : int
var datasetDataset
var filenames : List[str]
var output_root_path : str
var total_bytes : int
class FileListingResponse (urls: List[str], path_prefix: str, count: int, dataset: Dataset, total_bytes: Optional[int] = None)

Representation of the file listing response from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API.


urls : List[str]
A list of URLs for available data files.
path_prefix : str
The URL prefix, which is sed for saving data locally with a similar data tree structure compared to the UCalgary Open Data archive.
count : int
The number of URLs available.
dataset : Dataset
The Dataset object for this data.
total_bytes : int
The cumulative amount of bytes for the available URLs.
Expand source code
class FileListingResponse:
    Representation of the file listing response from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API.

        urls (List[str]): 
            A list of URLs for available data files.
        path_prefix (str): 
            The URL prefix, which is sed for saving data locally with a similar data tree 
            structure compared to the UCalgary Open Data archive.
        count (int): 
            The number of URLs available.
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
        total_bytes (int): 
            The cumulative amount of bytes for the available URLs.
    urls: List[str]
    path_prefix: str
    count: int
    dataset: Dataset
    total_bytes: Optional[int] = None

Class variables

var count : int
var datasetDataset
var path_prefix : str
var total_bytes : Optional[int]
var urls : List[str]
class GridData (grid: numpy.ndarray, fill_value: float, source_info: GridSourceInfoData)

Representation for a grid file's data.


grid : ndarray
Primary data set, gridded images
fill_value : float
Value used to represent NaN/NULL. Used for subsequent plotting of grid data.
source_info : GridSourceInfoData
Special data attributes specific to this particular grid file
Expand source code
class GridData:
    Representation for a grid file's data.

        grid (ndarray): 
            Primary data set, gridded images

        fill_value (float): 
            Value used to represent NaN/NULL. Used for subsequent plotting of grid data.

        source_info (GridSourceInfoData): 
            Special data attributes specific to this particular grid file
    grid: ndarray
    fill_value: float
    source_info: GridSourceInfoData

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        grid_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.grid.shape, self.grid.dtype)
        return "GridData(grid=%s, fill_value=%.0f, source_info=GridSourceInfoData(...)" % (grid_str, self.fill_value)

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set grid and confidence
        grid_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.grid.shape, self.grid.dtype)
        confidence_str = "None" if self.source_info.confidence is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.source_info.confidence.shape,

        print("  %-14s: %s" % ("grid", grid_str))
        print("  %-14s: %.0f" % ("fill_value", self.fill_value))
        print("  %-14s: %s" % ("timestamp", grid_str))
        print("  source_info:")
        print("    %-15s: %s" % ("confidence", confidence_str))

Class variables

var fill_value : float
var grid : numpy.ndarray
var source_infoGridSourceInfoData


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    # set grid and confidence
    grid_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.grid.shape, self.grid.dtype)
    confidence_str = "None" if self.source_info.confidence is None else "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (self.source_info.confidence.shape,

    print("  %-14s: %s" % ("grid", grid_str))
    print("  %-14s: %.0f" % ("fill_value", self.fill_value))
    print("  %-14s: %s" % ("timestamp", grid_str))
    print("  source_info:")
    print("    %-15s: %s" % ("confidence", confidence_str))
class GridSourceInfoData (confidence: Any)

Representation for a grid file's data specific to the type of grid file


confidence : ndarray
A confidence rating
Expand source code
class GridSourceInfoData:
    Representation for a grid file's data specific to the type of grid file

        confidence (ndarray): 
            A confidence rating
    confidence: Any

Class variables

var confidence : Any
class Observatory (uid: str, full_name: str, geodetic_latitude: float, geodetic_longitude: float)

Representation for an observatory.


uid : str
4-letter unique identifier (traditionally referred to as the site UID)
full_name : str
full location string for the observatory
geodetic_latitude : float
geodetic latitude for the observatory, in decimal format (-90 to 90)
geodetic_longitude : float
geodetic longitude for the observatory, in decimal format (-180 to 180)
provider : str
Data provider.
Expand source code
class Observatory:
    Representation for an observatory.

        uid (str): 
            4-letter unique identifier (traditionally referred to as the site UID)

        full_name (str): 
            full location string for the observatory
        geodetic_latitude (float): 
            geodetic latitude for the observatory, in decimal format (-90 to 90)
        geodetic_longitude (float): 
            geodetic longitude for the observatory, in decimal format (-180 to 180)

        provider (str): 
            Data provider.

    def __init__(self, uid: str, full_name: str, geodetic_latitude: float, geodetic_longitude: float):
        self.uid = uid
        self.full_name = full_name
        self.geodetic_latitude = geodetic_latitude
        self.geodetic_longitude = geodetic_longitude
        self.provider = "UCalgary"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Observatory(uid=%s, full_name='%s', geodetic_latitude=%s, geodetic_longitude=%s, provider='%s')" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            print("  %-22s: %s" % (var_name, None if var_value is None else var_value))


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        print("  %-22s: %s" % (var_name, None if var_value is None else var_value))
class ProblematicFile (filename: str, error_message: str, error_type: Literal['error', 'warning'])

Representation about a file that had issues being read.


filename : str
Filename of the problematic file.
error_message : str
Error message that was encountered while attempting to read the file.
error_type : str
Error type encountered. Possible values are 'error' or 'warning'.
Expand source code
class ProblematicFile:
    Representation about a file that had issues being read.

        filename (str): 
            Filename of the problematic file.
        error_message (str): 
            Error message that was encountered while attempting to read the file.
        error_type (str): 
            Error type encountered. Possible values are 'error' or 'warning'.
    filename: str
    error_message: str
    error_type: Literal["error", "warning"]

Class variables

var error_message : str
var error_type : Literal['error', 'warning']
var filename : str
class Skymap (filename: str, project_uid: str, site_uid: str, imager_uid: str, site_map_latitude: float, site_map_longitude: float, site_map_altitude: float, full_elevation: numpy.ndarray, full_azimuth: numpy.ndarray, full_map_altitude: numpy.ndarray, full_map_latitude: numpy.ndarray, full_map_longitude: numpy.ndarray, generation_info: SkymapGenerationInfo, version: str)

Representation for a skymap file.


filename : str
Filename for the skymap file, as an absolute path of its location on the local machine.
project_uid : str
Project unique identifier
site_uid : str
Site unique identifier
imager_uid : str
Imager/device unique identifier
site_map_latitude : float
Geodetic latitude of instrument
site_map_longitude : float
Geodetic longitude of instrument
site_map_altitude : float
Altitude of the instrument (in meters)
full_elevation : ndarray
Elevation angle from horizon, for each image pixel (in degrees)
full_azimuth : ndarray
Local azimuth angle from 0 degrees north, positive moving east (in degrees)
full_map_altitude : ndarray
Altitudes that image coordinates are mapped to (in kilometers)
full_map_latitude : ndarray
Geodetic latitudes of pixel corners, mapped to various altitudes (specified by full_map_altitude)
full_map_longitude : ndarray
Geodetic longitudes of pixel corners, mapped to various altitudes (specified by full_map_altitude)
generation_info : SkymapGenerationInfo
Metadata describing details about this skymap's generation process
version : str
Version of the skymap
dataset : Dataset
The Dataset object for this data.
Expand source code
class Skymap:
    Representation for a skymap file.

        filename (str): 
            Filename for the skymap file, as an absolute path of its location on the local machine.
        project_uid (str): 
            Project unique identifier
        site_uid (str): 
            Site unique identifier
        imager_uid (str): 
            Imager/device unique identifier
        site_map_latitude (float): 
            Geodetic latitude of instrument
        site_map_longitude (float): 
            Geodetic longitude of instrument
        site_map_altitude (float): 
            Altitude of the instrument (in meters)
        full_elevation (ndarray): 
            Elevation angle from horizon, for each image pixel (in degrees)
        full_azimuth (ndarray): 
            Local azimuth angle from 0 degrees north, positive moving east (in degrees)
        full_map_altitude (ndarray): 
            Altitudes that image coordinates are mapped to (in kilometers)
        full_map_latitude (ndarray): 
            Geodetic latitudes of pixel corners, mapped to various altitudes (specified by `full_map_altitude`)
        full_map_longitude (ndarray): 
            Geodetic longitudes of pixel corners, mapped to various altitudes (specified by `full_map_altitude`)
        generation_info (SkymapGenerationInfo): 
            Metadata describing details about this skymap's generation process
        version (str): 
            Version of the skymap
        dataset (Dataset): 
            The `Dataset` object for this data.
    filename: str
    project_uid: str
    site_uid: str
    imager_uid: str
    site_map_latitude: float
    site_map_longitude: float
    site_map_altitude: float
    full_elevation: ndarray
    full_azimuth: ndarray
    full_map_altitude: ndarray
    full_map_latitude: ndarray
    full_map_longitude: ndarray
    generation_info: SkymapGenerationInfo
    version: str

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Skymap(project_uid=%s, site_uid=%s, imager_uid=%s, site_map_latitude=%f, site_map_longitude=%f, ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_name == "generation_info"):
                var_str = "SkymapGenerationInfo(...)"
            elif (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                    var_str = str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-23s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

    def get_precalculated_altitudes(self):
        Get the altitudes that have been precalculated in this skymap. Units are kilometers.
        alts_km = [float(x / 1000.) for x in self.full_map_altitude]
        return alts_km

Class variables

var filename : str
var full_azimuth : numpy.ndarray
var full_elevation : numpy.ndarray
var full_map_altitude : numpy.ndarray
var full_map_latitude : numpy.ndarray
var full_map_longitude : numpy.ndarray
var generation_infoSkymapGenerationInfo
var imager_uid : str
var project_uid : str
var site_map_altitude : float
var site_map_latitude : float
var site_map_longitude : float
var site_uid : str
var version : str


def get_precalculated_altitudes(self)

Get the altitudes that have been precalculated in this skymap. Units are kilometers.

Expand source code
def get_precalculated_altitudes(self):
    Get the altitudes that have been precalculated in this skymap. Units are kilometers.
    alts_km = [float(x / 1000.) for x in self.full_map_altitude]
    return alts_km
def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        var_str = "None"
        if (var_name == "generation_info"):
            var_str = "SkymapGenerationInfo(...)"
        elif (var_value is not None):
            if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                var_str = str(var_value)

        # print string for this var
        print("  %-23s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))
class SkymapGenerationInfo (author: str, ccd_center: float, code_used: str, data_loc: str, date_generated: datetime.datetime, date_time_used: datetime.datetime, img_flip: numpy.ndarray, optical_orientation: numpy.ndarray, optical_projection: numpy.ndarray, pixel_aspect_ratio: float, valid_interval_start: datetime.datetime, valid_interval_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, bytscl_values: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None)

Representation of generation details for a specific skymap file.


author : str
Name of individual who created the skymap
ccd_center : float
Center pixels of the CCD
code_used : str
Program name for the code used to generate the skymap
data_loc : str
Location of the data on the UCalgary data systems used during generation
date_generated : datetime.datetime
Timestamp of when the skymap was generated
date_time_used : datetime.datetime
Timestamp of what hour was used during generation
img_flip : ndarray
Image flipping specifics
optical_orientation : ndarray
Image orientation details
optical_projection : ndarray
Image projection details
pixel_aspect_ratio : float
Aspect ratio details
valid_interval_start : datetime.datetime
Valid start time for this skymap
valid_interval_end : datetime.datetime
Valid end time for this skymap. If None, then end time is unbounded and valid up until the next newest skymap.
Expand source code
class SkymapGenerationInfo:
    Representation of generation details for a specific skymap file.

        author (str): 
            Name of individual who created the skymap
        ccd_center (float): 
            Center pixels of the CCD
        code_used (str): 
            Program name for the code used to generate the skymap
        data_loc (str): 
            Location of the data on the UCalgary data systems used during generation
        date_generated (datetime.datetime): 
            Timestamp of when the skymap was generated
        date_time_used (datetime.datetime): 
            Timestamp of what hour was used during generation
        img_flip (ndarray): 
            Image flipping specifics
        optical_orientation (ndarray): 
            Image orientation details
        optical_projection (ndarray): 
            Image projection details
        pixel_aspect_ratio (float): 
            Aspect ratio details
        valid_interval_start (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid start time for this skymap
        valid_interval_end (datetime.datetime): 
            Valid end time for this skymap. If None, then end time is unbounded and valid up until 
            the next newest skymap.
    author: str
    ccd_center: float
    code_used: str
    data_loc: str
    date_generated: datetime.datetime
    date_time_used: datetime.datetime
    img_flip: ndarray
    optical_orientation: ndarray
    optical_projection: ndarray
    pixel_aspect_ratio: float
    valid_interval_start: datetime.datetime
    valid_interval_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
    bytscl_values: Optional[ndarray] = None

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "SkymapGenerationInfo(date_generated=%s, author='%s', ccd_center=%s, ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                    var_str = str(var_value)

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-24s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

Class variables

var author : str
var bytscl_values : Optional[numpy.ndarray]
var ccd_center : float
var code_used : str
var data_loc : str
var date_generated : datetime.datetime
var date_time_used : datetime.datetime
var img_flip : numpy.ndarray
var optical_orientation : numpy.ndarray
var optical_projection : numpy.ndarray
var pixel_aspect_ratio : float
var valid_interval_start : datetime.datetime
var valid_interval_stop : Optional[datetime.datetime]


def pretty_print(self)

A special print output for this class.

Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        var_str = "None"
        if (var_value is not None):
            if (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                var_str = "array(dims=%s, dtype=%s)" % (var_value.shape, var_value.dtype)
                var_str = str(var_value)

        # print string for this var
        print("  %-24s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))