Package pyucalgarysrs

The PyUCalgarySRS library provides a way to interact with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing (SRS) Open Data Platform. It enables users to programmatically download and read data, and utilize the TREx Auroral Transport Model (ATM). This library leverages the UCalgary SRS API for some functions.

For more information about the data available and usage examples, visit the Open Data Platform website.


$ pip install pyucalgarysrs

Basic usage:

> import pyucalgarysrs
> srs = pyucalgarysrs.PyUCalgarySRS()
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# Copyright 2024 University of Calgary
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The PyUCalgarySRS library provides a way to interact with the UCalgary Space
Remote Sensing (SRS) Open Data Platform. It enables users to programmatically
download and read data, and utilize the TREx Auroral Transport Model (ATM). 
This library leverages the UCalgary SRS API for some functions.

For more information about the data available and usage examples, visit the 
[Open Data Platform website](

$ pip install pyucalgarysrs

Basic usage:
> import pyucalgarysrs
> srs = pyucalgarysrs.PyUCalgarySRS()

# versioning info
__version__ = "1.2.0"

# documentation
__pdoc__ = {"pyucalgarysrs": False}
__all__ = [

# pull in top level class
from .pyucalgarysrs import PyUCalgarySRS

# pull in exceptions
from .exceptions import (

# pull in schemas
from .data.classes import (
from .models.atm.classes_forward import (
from .models.atm.classes_inverse import (


Provides capabilities for downloading and reading data from the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform.


The exceptions module contains unique exception classes utilized by PyUCalgarySRS. These exceptions can be used to help trap specific errors raised …


Functions for interacting with UCalgary Space Remote Sensing models. One such model is the TREx Auroral Transport Model (ATM).


class PyUCalgarySRS (download_output_root_path: Optional[str] = None, read_tar_temp_path: Optional[str] = None, api_base_url: Optional[str] = None, api_timeout: Optional[int] = None, api_headers: Optional[Dict] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None)

The PyUCalgarySRS class is the primary entry point for utilizing this library. It is used to initialize a session, capturing details about API connectivity, environment, and more. All submodules are encapsulated within this class, so any usage of the library starts with creating this object.

import pyucalgarysrs
srs = pyucalgarysrs.PyUCalgarySRS()

When working with this object, you can set configuration parameters, such as the destination directory for downloaded data, or API special settings (e.g., timeout, HTTP headers). These parameters can be set when instantiating the object, or after instantiating using the self-contained accessible variables.


download_output_root_path : str
Destination directory for downloaded data. The default for this path is a subfolder in the user's home directory, such as /home/user/pyucalgarysrs_data in Linux. In Windows and Mac, it is similar.
read_tar_temp_path : str
Temporary directory used for tar extraction phases during file reading (e.g., reading TREx RGB Burst data). The default for this is <download_output_root_path>/tar_temp_working. For faster performance when reading tar-based data, one option on Linux is to set this to use RAM directly at /dev/shm/pyucalgarysrs_tar_temp_working.
api_base_url : str
URL prefix to use when interacting with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. By default this is set to This parameter is primarily used by the development team to test and build new functions using the private staging API.
api_timeout : int
The timeout used when communicating with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. This value is represented in seconds, and by default is 30 seconds.
api_headers : Dict
HTTP headers used when communicating with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. The default for this value consists of several standard headers. Any changes to this parameter are in addition to the default standard headers.
api_key : str
API key to use when interacting with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. The default value is None. Please note that an API key is currently not required for using the API, and this parameter is implemented purely for future-proofing. It is presently not utilized.


an error was encountered during initialization of the paths
Expand source code
class PyUCalgarySRS:
    The `PyUCalgarySRS` class is the primary entry point for utilizing
    this library. It is used to initialize a session, capturing details
    about API connectivity, environment, and more. All submodules are 
    encapsulated within this class, so any usage of the library starts 
    with creating this object.

    import pyucalgarysrs
    srs = pyucalgarysrs.PyUCalgarySRS()

    When working with this object, you can set configuration parameters, such 
    as the destination directory for downloaded data, or API special settings 
    (e.g., timeout, HTTP headers). These parameters can be set when instantiating 
    the object, or after instantiating using the self-contained accessible variables.

        "content-type": "application/json",
        "user-agent": "python-pyucalgarysrs/%s" % (__version__),
    }  # NOTE: these MUST be lowercase so that the decorator logic cannot be overridden

    def __init__(self,
                 download_output_root_path: Optional[str] = None,
                 read_tar_temp_path: Optional[str] = None,
                 api_base_url: Optional[str] = None,
                 api_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
                 api_headers: Optional[Dict] = None,
                 api_key: Optional[str] = None):
            download_output_root_path (str): 
                Destination directory for downloaded data. The default for this path is a 
                subfolder in the user's home directory, such  as `/home/user/pyucalgarysrs_data` 
                in Linux. In Windows and Mac, it is similar.

            read_tar_temp_path (str): 
                Temporary directory used for tar extraction phases during file reading (e.g., 
                reading TREx RGB Burst data). The default for this is `<download_output_root_path>/tar_temp_working`. 
                For faster performance when reading tar-based data, one option on Linux is 
                to set this to use RAM directly at `/dev/shm/pyucalgarysrs_tar_temp_working`.

            api_base_url (str): 
                URL prefix to use when interacting with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. By
                default this is set to ``. This parameter is primarily
                used by the development team to test and build new functions using the private staging

            api_timeout (int): 
                The timeout used when communicating with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. This 
                value is represented in seconds, and by default is `30 seconds`.
            api_headers (Dict): 
                HTTP headers used when communicating with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. The 
                default for this value consists of several standard headers. Any changes to this 
                parameter are in addition to the default standard headers.

            api_key (str): 
                API key to use when interacting with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API. The default
                value is None. Please note that an API key is currently not required for using the API,
                and this parameter is implemented purely for future-proofing. It is presently not utilized.
            pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSInitializationError: an error was encountered during
                initialization of the paths
        # initialize path parameters
        self.__download_output_root_path = download_output_root_path
        self.__read_tar_temp_path = read_tar_temp_path

        # initialize api parameters
        self.__api_base_url = api_base_url
        if (api_base_url is None):
            self.__api_base_url = self.__DEFAULT_API_BASE_URL
        self.__api_headers = api_headers
        if (api_headers is None):
            self.__api_headers = self.__DEFAULT_API_HEADERS
        self.__api_timeout = api_timeout
        if (api_timeout is None):
            self.__api_timeout = self.__DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT
        self.__api_key = api_key

        # initialize paths

        # initialize sub-modules
        self.__data = DataManager(self)
        self.__models = ModelsManager(self)

    # ------------------------------------------
    # properties for submodule managers
    # ------------------------------------------
    def data(self):
        Access to the `data` submodule from within a PyUCalgarySRS object.
        return self.__data

    def models(self):
        Access to the `models` submodule from within a PyUCalgarySRS object.
        return self.__models

    # ------------------------------------------
    # properties for configuration parameters
    # ------------------------------------------
    def api_base_url(self):
        Property for the API base URL. See above for details.
        return self.__api_base_url

    def api_base_url(self, value: str):
        if (value is None):
            self.__api_base_url = self.__DEFAULT_API_BASE_URL
            self.__api_base_url = value

    def api_headers(self):
        Property for the API headers. See above for details.
        return self.__api_headers

    def api_headers(self, value: Dict):
        new_headers = self.__DEFAULT_API_HEADERS
        if (value is not None):
            for k, v in value.items():
                k = k.lower()
                if (k in new_headers):
                    if (k == "user-agent" and "python-pyaurorax/" not in v):
                        warnings.warn("Cannot override default '%s' header" % (k), UserWarning, stacklevel=1)
                        # allow pyaurorax to change the user agent
                        new_headers[k] = v
                    new_headers[k] = v
        self.__api_headers = new_headers

    def api_timeout(self):
        Property for the API timeout. See above for details.
        return self.__api_timeout

    def api_timeout(self, value: int):
        if (value is None):
            self.__api_timeout = self.__DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT
            self.__api_timeout = value

    def api_key(self):
        Property for the API key. See above for details.
        return self.__api_key

    def api_key(self, value: str):
        self.__api_key = value  # pragma: nocover

    def download_output_root_path(self):
        Property for the download output root path. See above for details.
        return str(self.__download_output_root_path)

    def download_output_root_path(self, value: str):
        self.__download_output_root_path = value

    def read_tar_temp_path(self):
        Property for the read tar temp path. See above for details.
        return str(self.__read_tar_temp_path)

    def read_tar_temp_path(self, value: str):
        self.__read_tar_temp_path = value

    # -----------------------------
    # special methods
    # -----------------------------
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return ("PyUCalgarySRS(download_output_root_path='%s', read_tar_temp_path='%s', api_base_url='%s', " + "api_headers=%s, api_timeout=%s)") % (

    # -----------------------------
    # private methods
    # -----------------------------
    def __initialize_paths(self):
        Initialize the `download_output_root_path` and `read_tar_temp_path` directories.
        if (self.__download_output_root_path is None):
            self.__download_output_root_path = Path("%s/pyucalgarysrs_data" % (str(Path.home())))
        if (self.__read_tar_temp_path is None):
            self.__read_tar_temp_path = Path("%s/tar_temp_working" % (self.__download_output_root_path))
            os.makedirs(self.download_output_root_path, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(self.read_tar_temp_path, exist_ok=True)
        except IOError as e:  # pragma: nocover
            raise SRSInitializationError("Error during output path creation: %s" % str(e)) from e

    # -----------------------------
    # public methods
    # -----------------------------
    def purge_download_output_root_path(self):
        Delete all files in the `download_output_root_path` directory. Since the
        library downloads data to this directory, over time it can grow too large
        and the user can risk running out of space. This method is here to assist
        with easily clearing out this directory.

            pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSPurgeError: an error was encountered during the purge operation
            for item in os.listdir(self.download_output_root_path):
                item = Path(self.download_output_root_path) / item
                if (item.is_dir() is True and self.read_tar_temp_path != str(item)):
                elif (item.is_file() is True):
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: nocover
            raise SRSPurgeError("Error while purging download output root path: %s" % (str(e))) from e

    def purge_read_tar_temp_path(self):
        Delete all files in the `read_tar_temp_path` directory. Since the library 
        extracts temporary data to this directory, sometime issues during reading 
        can cause this directory to contain residual files that aren't deleted during 
        the normal read routine. Though this is very rare, it is still possible. 
        Therefore, this method is here to assist with easily clearing out this 

            pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSPurgeError: an error was encountered during the purge operation
            for item in os.listdir(self.read_tar_temp_path):
                item = Path(self.read_tar_temp_path) / item
                if (item.is_dir() is True and self.download_output_root_path != str(item)):
                elif (item.is_file() is True):
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: nocover
            raise SRSPurgeError("Error while purging read tar temp path: %s" % (str(e))) from e

    def show_data_usage(self, order: Literal["name", "size"] = "size", return_dict: bool = False) -> Any:
        Print the volume of data existing in the download_output_root_path, broken down
        by dataset. Alternatively return the information in a dictionary.
        This can be a helpful tool for managing your disk space.

            order (bool): 
                Order results by either `size` or `name`. Default is `size`.

            return_dict (bool): 
                Instead of printing the data usage information, return information as a dictionary.

            Printed output. If `return_dict` is True, then it will instead return a dictionary with the
            disk usage information.
            Note that size on disk may differ slightly from the values determined by this 
            routine. For example, the results here will be slightly different than the output
            of a 'du' command on *nix systems.
        # init
        total_size = 0
        download_pathlib_path = Path(self.download_output_root_path)

        # get list of dataset paths
        dataset_paths = []
        for f in os.listdir(download_pathlib_path):
            path_f = download_pathlib_path / f
            if (os.path.isdir(path_f) is True and str(path_f) != self.read_tar_temp_path):

        # get size of each dataset path
        dataset_dict = {}
        longest_path_len = 0
        for dataset_path in dataset_paths:
            # get size
            dataset_size = 0
            for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dataset_path):
                for filename in filenames:
                    filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                    if (os.path.isfile(filepath) is True):
                        dataset_size += os.path.getsize(filepath)

            # check if this is the longest path name
            path_basename = os.path.basename(dataset_path)
            if (longest_path_len == 0):
                longest_path_len = len(path_basename)
            elif (len(path_basename) > longest_path_len):
                longest_path_len = len(path_basename)

            # set dict
            dataset_dict[path_basename] = {
                "path_obj": dataset_path,
                "size_bytes": dataset_size,
                "size_str": humanize.naturalsize(dataset_size),

            # add to total
            total_size += dataset_size

        # return dictionary
        if (return_dict is True):
            return dataset_dict

        # print table
        # order into list
        order_key = "size_bytes" if order == "size" else order
        ordered_list = []
        for path, p_dict in dataset_dict.items():
            this_dict = p_dict
            this_dict["name"] = path
        if (order == "size"):
            ordered_list = reversed(sorted(ordered_list, key=lambda x: x[order_key]))
            ordered_list = sorted(ordered_list, key=lambda x: x[order_key])

        # set column data
        table_names = []
        table_sizes = []
        for item in ordered_list:

        # set header values
        table_headers = ["Dataset name", "Size"]

        # print as table
        table = Texttable()
        table.set_cols_dtype(["t"] * len(table_headers))
        table.set_header_align(["l"] * len(table_headers))
        table.set_cols_align(["l"] * len(table_headers))
        for i in range(0, len(table_names)):
            table.add_row([table_names[i], table_sizes[i]])

        print("\nTotal size: %s" % (humanize.naturalsize(total_size)))

Instance variables

var api_base_url

Property for the API base URL. See above for details.

Expand source code
def api_base_url(self):
    Property for the API base URL. See above for details.
    return self.__api_base_url
var api_headers

Property for the API headers. See above for details.

Expand source code
def api_headers(self):
    Property for the API headers. See above for details.
    return self.__api_headers
var api_key

Property for the API key. See above for details.

Expand source code
def api_key(self):
    Property for the API key. See above for details.
    return self.__api_key
var api_timeout

Property for the API timeout. See above for details.

Expand source code
def api_timeout(self):
    Property for the API timeout. See above for details.
    return self.__api_timeout
var data

Access to the submodule from within a PyUCalgarySRS object.

Expand source code
def data(self):
    Access to the `data` submodule from within a PyUCalgarySRS object.
    return self.__data
var download_output_root_path

Property for the download output root path. See above for details.

Expand source code
def download_output_root_path(self):
    Property for the download output root path. See above for details.
    return str(self.__download_output_root_path)
var models

Access to the pyucalgarysrs.models submodule from within a PyUCalgarySRS object.

Expand source code
def models(self):
    Access to the `models` submodule from within a PyUCalgarySRS object.
    return self.__models
var read_tar_temp_path

Property for the read tar temp path. See above for details.

Expand source code
def read_tar_temp_path(self):
    Property for the read tar temp path. See above for details.
    return str(self.__read_tar_temp_path)


def purge_download_output_root_path(self)

Delete all files in the download_output_root_path directory. Since the library downloads data to this directory, over time it can grow too large and the user can risk running out of space. This method is here to assist with easily clearing out this directory.


an error was encountered during the purge operation
Expand source code
def purge_download_output_root_path(self):
    Delete all files in the `download_output_root_path` directory. Since the
    library downloads data to this directory, over time it can grow too large
    and the user can risk running out of space. This method is here to assist
    with easily clearing out this directory.

        pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSPurgeError: an error was encountered during the purge operation
        for item in os.listdir(self.download_output_root_path):
            item = Path(self.download_output_root_path) / item
            if (item.is_dir() is True and self.read_tar_temp_path != str(item)):
            elif (item.is_file() is True):
    except Exception as e:  # pragma: nocover
        raise SRSPurgeError("Error while purging download output root path: %s" % (str(e))) from e
def purge_read_tar_temp_path(self)

Delete all files in the read_tar_temp_path directory. Since the library extracts temporary data to this directory, sometime issues during reading can cause this directory to contain residual files that aren't deleted during the normal read routine. Though this is very rare, it is still possible. Therefore, this method is here to assist with easily clearing out this directory.


an error was encountered during the purge operation
Expand source code
def purge_read_tar_temp_path(self):
    Delete all files in the `read_tar_temp_path` directory. Since the library 
    extracts temporary data to this directory, sometime issues during reading 
    can cause this directory to contain residual files that aren't deleted during 
    the normal read routine. Though this is very rare, it is still possible. 
    Therefore, this method is here to assist with easily clearing out this 

        pyucalgarysrs.exceptions.SRSPurgeError: an error was encountered during the purge operation
        for item in os.listdir(self.read_tar_temp_path):
            item = Path(self.read_tar_temp_path) / item
            if (item.is_dir() is True and self.download_output_root_path != str(item)):
            elif (item.is_file() is True):
    except Exception as e:  # pragma: nocover
        raise SRSPurgeError("Error while purging read tar temp path: %s" % (str(e))) from e
def show_data_usage(self, order: Literal['name', 'size'] = 'size', return_dict: bool = False) ‑> Any

Print the volume of data existing in the download_output_root_path, broken down by dataset. Alternatively return the information in a dictionary.

This can be a helpful tool for managing your disk space.


order : bool
Order results by either size or name. Default is size.
return_dict : bool
Instead of printing the data usage information, return information as a dictionary.


Printed output. If return_dict is True, then it will instead return a dictionary with the disk usage information.


Note that size on disk may differ slightly from the values determined by this routine. For example, the results here will be slightly different than the output of a 'du' command on *nix systems.

Expand source code
def show_data_usage(self, order: Literal["name", "size"] = "size", return_dict: bool = False) -> Any:
    Print the volume of data existing in the download_output_root_path, broken down
    by dataset. Alternatively return the information in a dictionary.
    This can be a helpful tool for managing your disk space.

        order (bool): 
            Order results by either `size` or `name`. Default is `size`.

        return_dict (bool): 
            Instead of printing the data usage information, return information as a dictionary.

        Printed output. If `return_dict` is True, then it will instead return a dictionary with the
        disk usage information.
        Note that size on disk may differ slightly from the values determined by this 
        routine. For example, the results here will be slightly different than the output
        of a 'du' command on *nix systems.
    # init
    total_size = 0
    download_pathlib_path = Path(self.download_output_root_path)

    # get list of dataset paths
    dataset_paths = []
    for f in os.listdir(download_pathlib_path):
        path_f = download_pathlib_path / f
        if (os.path.isdir(path_f) is True and str(path_f) != self.read_tar_temp_path):

    # get size of each dataset path
    dataset_dict = {}
    longest_path_len = 0
    for dataset_path in dataset_paths:
        # get size
        dataset_size = 0
        for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dataset_path):
            for filename in filenames:
                filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                if (os.path.isfile(filepath) is True):
                    dataset_size += os.path.getsize(filepath)

        # check if this is the longest path name
        path_basename = os.path.basename(dataset_path)
        if (longest_path_len == 0):
            longest_path_len = len(path_basename)
        elif (len(path_basename) > longest_path_len):
            longest_path_len = len(path_basename)

        # set dict
        dataset_dict[path_basename] = {
            "path_obj": dataset_path,
            "size_bytes": dataset_size,
            "size_str": humanize.naturalsize(dataset_size),

        # add to total
        total_size += dataset_size

    # return dictionary
    if (return_dict is True):
        return dataset_dict

    # print table
    # order into list
    order_key = "size_bytes" if order == "size" else order
    ordered_list = []
    for path, p_dict in dataset_dict.items():
        this_dict = p_dict
        this_dict["name"] = path
    if (order == "size"):
        ordered_list = reversed(sorted(ordered_list, key=lambda x: x[order_key]))
        ordered_list = sorted(ordered_list, key=lambda x: x[order_key])

    # set column data
    table_names = []
    table_sizes = []
    for item in ordered_list:

    # set header values
    table_headers = ["Dataset name", "Size"]

    # print as table
    table = Texttable()
    table.set_cols_dtype(["t"] * len(table_headers))
    table.set_header_align(["l"] * len(table_headers))
    table.set_cols_align(["l"] * len(table_headers))
    for i in range(0, len(table_names)):
        table.add_row([table_names[i], table_sizes[i]])

    print("\nTotal size: %s" % (humanize.naturalsize(total_size)))