Module pyucalgarysrs.models.atm.classes_forward

Classes for representing ATM forward calculation requests and responses. All classes in this module are included at the top level of this library.


class ATMForwardOutputFlags (height_integrated_rayleighs_4278: bool = False,
height_integrated_rayleighs_5577: bool = False,
height_integrated_rayleighs_6300: bool = False,
height_integrated_rayleighs_8446: bool = False,
height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh: bool = False,
height_integrated_rayleighs_1304: bool = False,
height_integrated_rayleighs_1356: bool = False,
altitudes: bool = False,
emission_4278: bool = False,
emission_5577: bool = False,
emission_6300: bool = False,
emission_8446: bool = False,
emission_lbh: bool = False,
emission_1304: bool = False,
emission_1356: bool = False,
plasma_electron_density: bool = False,
plasma_o2plus_density: bool = False,
plasma_oplus_density: bool = False,
plasma_noplus_density: bool = False,
plasma_ionisation_rate: bool = False,
plasma_electron_temperature: bool = False,
plasma_ion_temperature: bool = False,
plasma_pederson_conductivity: bool = False,
plasma_hall_conductivity: bool = False,
neutral_o2_density: bool = False,
neutral_o_density: bool = False,
neutral_n2_density: bool = False,
neutral_n_density: bool = False,
neutral_temperature: bool = False)
Expand source code
class ATMForwardOutputFlags:
    Class to represent all output values included in an ATM forward calculation.
    ATM calculations are performed in a way where you can toggle ON/OFF whichever
    pieces of information you do or don't want. This improves efficiency of the 
    calculation routine resulting in faster queries.

    By default, all output flags are set to False. There exist several helper methods
    to toggle all to True, toggle all to False, or toggle only height-integrated Rayleighs 
    flags to True. See the below Methods section for details.

    Details about each output value can be found in the documentation for the 
    height_integrated_rayleighs_4278: bool = False
    height_integrated_rayleighs_5577: bool = False
    height_integrated_rayleighs_6300: bool = False
    height_integrated_rayleighs_8446: bool = False
    height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh: bool = False
    height_integrated_rayleighs_1304: bool = False
    height_integrated_rayleighs_1356: bool = False
    altitudes: bool = False
    emission_4278: bool = False
    emission_5577: bool = False
    emission_6300: bool = False
    emission_8446: bool = False
    emission_lbh: bool = False
    emission_1304: bool = False
    emission_1356: bool = False
    plasma_electron_density: bool = False
    plasma_o2plus_density: bool = False
    plasma_oplus_density: bool = False
    plasma_noplus_density: bool = False
    plasma_ionisation_rate: bool = False
    plasma_electron_temperature: bool = False
    plasma_ion_temperature: bool = False
    plasma_pederson_conductivity: bool = False
    plasma_hall_conductivity: bool = False
    neutral_o2_density: bool = False
    neutral_o_density: bool = False
    neutral_n2_density: bool = False
    neutral_n_density: bool = False
    neutral_temperature: bool = False

    def set_all_true(self):
        Sets all flags to `True`.
        excluded_items = ["set_all_true", "set_all_false", "enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs"]
        for var_name in dir(self):
            if (not var_name.startswith("__") and var_name not in excluded_items):
                setattr(self, var_name, True)

    def set_all_false(self):
        Sets all flags to `False`.
        excluded_items = ["set_all_true", "set_all_false", "enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs"]
        for var_name in dir(self):
            if (not var_name.startswith("__") and var_name not in excluded_items):
                setattr(self, var_name, False)

    def enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs(self):
        Sets only height-integrated Rayleighs values to `True`.
        for var_name in filter(lambda x: x.startswith("height_integrated_rayleighs"), dir(self)):
            setattr(self, var_name, True)

Class to represent all output values included in an ATM forward calculation. ATM calculations are performed in a way where you can toggle ON/OFF whichever pieces of information you do or don't want. This improves efficiency of the calculation routine resulting in faster queries.

By default, all output flags are set to False. There exist several helper methods to toggle all to True, toggle all to False, or toggle only height-integrated Rayleighs flags to True. See the below Methods section for details.

Details about each output value can be found in the documentation for the ATMForwardResult object.

Class variables

var altitudes : bool
var emission_1304 : bool
var emission_1356 : bool
var emission_4278 : bool
var emission_5577 : bool
var emission_6300 : bool
var emission_8446 : bool
var emission_lbh : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_1304 : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_1356 : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_4278 : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_5577 : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_6300 : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_8446 : bool
var height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh : bool
var neutral_n2_density : bool
var neutral_n_density : bool
var neutral_o2_density : bool
var neutral_o_density : bool
var neutral_temperature : bool
var plasma_electron_density : bool
var plasma_electron_temperature : bool
var plasma_hall_conductivity : bool
var plasma_ion_temperature : bool
var plasma_ionisation_rate : bool
var plasma_noplus_density : bool
var plasma_o2plus_density : bool
var plasma_oplus_density : bool
var plasma_pederson_conductivity : bool


def enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs(self)
Expand source code
def enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs(self):
    Sets only height-integrated Rayleighs values to `True`.
    for var_name in filter(lambda x: x.startswith("height_integrated_rayleighs"), dir(self)):
        setattr(self, var_name, True)

Sets only height-integrated Rayleighs values to True.

def set_all_false(self)
Expand source code
def set_all_false(self):
    Sets all flags to `False`.
    excluded_items = ["set_all_true", "set_all_false", "enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs"]
    for var_name in dir(self):
        if (not var_name.startswith("__") and var_name not in excluded_items):
            setattr(self, var_name, False)

Sets all flags to False.

def set_all_true(self)
Expand source code
def set_all_true(self):
    Sets all flags to `True`.
    excluded_items = ["set_all_true", "set_all_false", "enable_only_height_integrated_rayleighs"]
    for var_name in dir(self):
        if (not var_name.startswith("__") and var_name not in excluded_items):
            setattr(self, var_name, True)

Sets all flags to True.

class ATMForwardRequest (atm_model_version: Literal['1.0'],
timestamp: datetime.datetime,
geodetic_latitude: float,
geodetic_longitude: float,
maxwellian_energy_flux: float,
gaussian_energy_flux: float,
maxwellian_characteristic_energy: float,
gaussian_peak_energy: float,
gaussian_spectral_width: float,
nrlmsis_model_version: Literal['00', '2.0'],
oxygen_correction_factor: float,
timescale_auroral: int,
timescale_transport: int,
custom_spectrum: numpy.ndarray | None,
output: ATMForwardOutputFlags,
no_cache: bool)
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class ATMForwardRequest:
    Class that represents the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API request when 
    performing an ATM forward calculation. This object is included in any
    and [`ATMForwardResult`](classes_forward.html#pyucalgarysrs.models.atm.classes_forward.ATMForwardResult) 
    atm_model_version: Literal["1.0"]
    timestamp: datetime.datetime
    geodetic_latitude: float
    geodetic_longitude: float
    maxwellian_energy_flux: float
    gaussian_energy_flux: float
    maxwellian_characteristic_energy: float
    gaussian_peak_energy: float
    gaussian_spectral_width: float
    nrlmsis_model_version: Literal["00", "2.0"]
    oxygen_correction_factor: float
    timescale_auroral: int
    timescale_transport: int
    custom_spectrum: Optional[ndarray]
    output: ATMForwardOutputFlags
    no_cache: bool

Class that represents the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API request when performing an ATM forward calculation. This object is included in any ATMForwardResultRequestInfo and ATMForwardResult objects.

Class variables

var atm_model_version : Literal['1.0']
var custom_spectrum : numpy.ndarray | None
var gaussian_energy_flux : float
var gaussian_peak_energy : float
var gaussian_spectral_width : float
var geodetic_latitude : float
var geodetic_longitude : float
var maxwellian_characteristic_energy : float
var maxwellian_energy_flux : float
var no_cache : bool
var nrlmsis_model_version : Literal['00', '2.0']
var outputATMForwardOutputFlags
var oxygen_correction_factor : float
var timescale_auroral : int
var timescale_transport : int
var timestamp : datetime.datetime
class ATMForwardResult (request_info: ATMForwardResultRequestInfo,
height_integrated_rayleighs_4278: Any,
height_integrated_rayleighs_5577: Any,
height_integrated_rayleighs_6300: Any,
height_integrated_rayleighs_8446: Any,
height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh: Any,
height_integrated_rayleighs_1304: Any,
height_integrated_rayleighs_1356: Any,
altitudes: Any,
emission_4278: Any,
emission_5577: Any,
emission_6300: Any,
emission_8446: Any,
emission_lbh: Any,
emission_1304: Any,
emission_1356: Any,
plasma_electron_density: Any,
plasma_o2plus_density: Any,
plasma_noplus_density: Any,
plasma_oplus_density: Any,
plasma_ionisation_rate: Any,
plasma_electron_temperature: Any,
plasma_ion_temperature: Any,
plasma_pederson_conductivity: Any,
plasma_hall_conductivity: Any,
neutral_o2_density: Any,
neutral_o_density: Any,
neutral_n2_density: Any,
neutral_n_density: Any,
neutral_temperature: Any)
Expand source code
class ATMForwardResult:
    Class containing all data from an ATM forward calculation. This class also includes
    details about the input parameters to the forward calculation routine (`request_info`),
    along with all output data values.
    Based on the request's output flags, if flags were set to False then the values will 
    be None types. If flags were set to True then the values will be their respective 
    types (e.g., float, numpy ndarray).

        request_info (ATMForwardResultRequestInfo): 
            Information about the API request made to perform the ATM forward calculation.
        height_integrated_rayleighs_4278 (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 427.8nm emission (blue).

        height_integrated_rayleighs_5577 (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 557.7nm emission (green).
        height_integrated_rayleighs_6300 (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 630.0nm emission(red).
        height_integrated_rayleighs_8446 (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 844.6nm emission (near infrared).

        height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield emission.

        height_integrated_rayleighs_1304 (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 130.4nm emission.

        height_integrated_rayleighs_1356 (float): 
            Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 135.6nm emission.

        altitudes (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the altitudes in kilometers.

        emission_4278 (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 427.8nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        emission_5577 (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 557.7nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        emission_6300 (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 630.0nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        emission_8446 (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 844.6nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        emission_lbh (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        emission_1304 (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 130.4nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        emission_1356 (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 135.6nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).

        plasma_electron_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma electron density (cm^-3).

        plasma_o2plus_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma O2+ density (cm^-3).

        plasma_noplus_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma NO+ density (cm^-3).

        plasma_oplus_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma O+ density (cm^-3).

        plasma_ionisation_rate (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma ionisation rate (1/cm^3/s).

        plasma_electron_temperature (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma electron temperature (Kelvin).

        plasma_ion_temperature (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma ion temperature (Kelvin).

        plasma_pederson_conductivity (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the Peterson plasma conductivity (S/m).

        plasma_hall_conductivity (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the hall plasma conductivity (S/m).

        neutral_o2_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral O2 density (cm^-3).

        neutral_o_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral O density (cm^-3).

        neutral_n2_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral N2 density (cm^-3).

        neutral_n_density (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral N density (cm^-3).

        neutral_temperature (ndarray): 
            A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral temperature (Kelvin).
    request_info: ATMForwardResultRequestInfo
    height_integrated_rayleighs_4278: Any
    height_integrated_rayleighs_5577: Any
    height_integrated_rayleighs_6300: Any
    height_integrated_rayleighs_8446: Any
    height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh: Any
    height_integrated_rayleighs_1304: Any
    height_integrated_rayleighs_1356: Any
    altitudes: Any
    emission_4278: Any
    emission_5577: Any
    emission_6300: Any
    emission_8446: Any
    emission_lbh: Any
    emission_1304: Any
    emission_1356: Any
    plasma_electron_density: Any
    plasma_o2plus_density: Any
    plasma_noplus_density: Any
    plasma_oplus_density: Any
    plasma_ionisation_rate: Any
    plasma_electron_temperature: Any
    plasma_ion_temperature: Any
    plasma_pederson_conductivity: Any
    plasma_hall_conductivity: Any
    neutral_o2_density: Any
    neutral_o_density: Any
    neutral_n2_density: Any
    neutral_n_density: Any
    neutral_temperature: Any

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        for var_name in dir(self):
            # exclude methods
            if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

            # convert var to string format we want
            var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
            var_str = "None"
            if (var_name == "request_info"):
                var_str = "ATMForwardResultRequestInfo(...)"
            if (var_value is not None):
                if (isinstance(var_value, float)):
                    var_str = "%f" % (var_value)
                elif (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                    var_str = "%s ...])" % (var_value.__repr__()[0:60])

            # print string for this var
            print("  %-37s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

Class containing all data from an ATM forward calculation. This class also includes details about the input parameters to the forward calculation routine (request_info), along with all output data values.

Based on the request's output flags, if flags were set to False then the values will be None types. If flags were set to True then the values will be their respective types (e.g., float, numpy ndarray).


request_info : ATMForwardResultRequestInfo
Information about the API request made to perform the ATM forward calculation.
height_integrated_rayleighs_4278 : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 427.8nm emission (blue).
height_integrated_rayleighs_5577 : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 557.7nm emission (green).
height_integrated_rayleighs_6300 : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 630.0nm emission(red).
height_integrated_rayleighs_8446 : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 844.6nm emission (near infrared).
height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield emission.
height_integrated_rayleighs_1304 : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 130.4nm emission.
height_integrated_rayleighs_1356 : float
Height-integrated Rayleighs value for the 135.6nm emission.
altitudes : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the altitudes in kilometers.
emission_4278 : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 427.8nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
emission_5577 : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 557.7nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
emission_6300 : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 630.0nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
emission_8446 : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 844.6nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
emission_lbh : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
emission_1304 : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 130.4nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
emission_1356 : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the 135.6nm volume emission rate (1/cm^3/s).
plasma_electron_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma electron density (cm^-3).
plasma_o2plus_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma O2+ density (cm^-3).
plasma_noplus_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma NO+ density (cm^-3).
plasma_oplus_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma O+ density (cm^-3).
plasma_ionisation_rate : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma ionisation rate (1/cm^3/s).
plasma_electron_temperature : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma electron temperature (Kelvin).
plasma_ion_temperature : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the plasma ion temperature (Kelvin).
plasma_pederson_conductivity : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the Peterson plasma conductivity (S/m).
plasma_hall_conductivity : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the hall plasma conductivity (S/m).
neutral_o2_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral O2 density (cm^-3).
neutral_o_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral O density (cm^-3).
neutral_n2_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral N2 density (cm^-3).
neutral_n_density : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral N density (cm^-3).
neutral_temperature : ndarray
A 1-dimensional numpy array for the neutral temperature (Kelvin).

Class variables

var altitudes : Any
var emission_1304 : Any
var emission_1356 : Any
var emission_4278 : Any
var emission_5577 : Any
var emission_6300 : Any
var emission_8446 : Any
var emission_lbh : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_1304 : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_1356 : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_4278 : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_5577 : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_6300 : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_8446 : Any
var height_integrated_rayleighs_lbh : Any
var neutral_n2_density : Any
var neutral_n_density : Any
var neutral_o2_density : Any
var neutral_o_density : Any
var neutral_temperature : Any
var plasma_electron_density : Any
var plasma_electron_temperature : Any
var plasma_hall_conductivity : Any
var plasma_ion_temperature : Any
var plasma_ionisation_rate : Any
var plasma_noplus_density : Any
var plasma_o2plus_density : Any
var plasma_oplus_density : Any
var plasma_pederson_conductivity : Any
var request_infoATMForwardResultRequestInfo


def pretty_print(self)
Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    for var_name in dir(self):
        # exclude methods
        if (var_name.startswith("__") or var_name == "pretty_print"):

        # convert var to string format we want
        var_value = getattr(self, var_name)
        var_str = "None"
        if (var_name == "request_info"):
            var_str = "ATMForwardResultRequestInfo(...)"
        if (var_value is not None):
            if (isinstance(var_value, float)):
                var_str = "%f" % (var_value)
            elif (isinstance(var_value, ndarray)):
                var_str = "%s ...])" % (var_value.__repr__()[0:60])

        # print string for this var
        print("  %-37s: %s" % (var_name, var_str))

A special print output for this class.

class ATMForwardResultRequestInfo (request: ATMForwardRequest,
calculation_duration_ms: float)
Expand source code
class ATMForwardResultRequestInfo:
    Class containing details about interacting with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing
    API when performing an ATM forward calculation. It contains the API request itself,
    and other information returned by the API.

    An instance of this is included in any

        request (ATMForwardRequest): 
            Instance of class that represents the lower-level API request when performing 
            an ATM forward calculation.

        calculation_duration_ms (float): 
            Duration the the API spent performing the ATM forward calculation. Represented
            in milliseconds.
    request: ATMForwardRequest
    calculation_duration_ms: float

Class containing details about interacting with the UCalgary Space Remote Sensing API when performing an ATM forward calculation. It contains the API request itself, and other information returned by the API.

An instance of this is included in any ATMForwardResult object.


request : ATMForwardRequest
Instance of class that represents the lower-level API request when performing an ATM forward calculation.
calculation_duration_ms : float
Duration the the API spent performing the ATM forward calculation. Represented in milliseconds.

Class variables

var calculation_duration_ms : float
var requestATMForwardRequest